Can You Get Implants After Having Dentures?

Implants after having dentures are like sturdy anchors for your teeth. They’re small titanium screws that replace missing tooth roots. Dentists place them in your jawbone, and then your new teeth attach to them. 

You can get implants after having dentures. Implants offer a stable foundation, enhancing the comfort and security of your dentures. They function like natural tooth roots, allowing you to eat and smile with confidence. Experience a new level of dental freedom with implants after having dentures.

Implants after dentures provide a game-changing solution. These titanium screws serve as strong anchors in your jawbone, securing your dentures. With implants, you regain the freedom to savor your favorite foods like Eat Apples With Dentures and display your confident smile.

Understanding Dentures and Dental Implants

Dentures are removable artificial teeth that replace missing ones. They’re a traditional choice for tooth loss and come in partial or full forms. While dentures restore your smile and chewing function, they can sometimes feel less secure.

Benefits of Affordable Dental Implants
1. A cost-effective solution
2. Sturdy base for teeth
3. Long-lasting durability
4. Reduced need for replacements
5. Improved confidence in your smile


Dentures are removable artificial teeth. They replace missing natural teeth and come in full or partial forms. Dentures are typically made from acrylic or a mix of materials, giving you a natural-looking smile. Might require adhesives and periodic adjustments for stability.

Dental Implants 

Dental implants, on the other hand, are a more modern and permanent tooth replacement option. They consist of a titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jawbone, serving as a root for a prosthetic tooth or crown. The implant fuses with the bone over time, creating a strong and stable foundation.

The Process Of Transitioning From Dentures To Implants

The Process Of Transitioning From Dentures To Implants

Consultation and Evaluation: Consult with an oral surgeon or implant dentist to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.

Treatment Planning: Create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs, including the number and location of implants, and the type of restoration.

Extractions (if necessary): Remove any remaining natural teeth that need to be extracted prior to implant placement.

Implant Placement: Surgically insert dental implant posts into the jawbone, either individually or to support a full arch of teeth.

Healing Period: Allow several months for osseointegration, the process where implants fuse with the bone, ensuring stability.

Abutment Placement: Attach abutments to the implants to serve as connectors for the dental prosthetic.

Prosthetic Attachment: Connect a custom-made dental restoration (crown, bridge, or implant-supported denture) to the abutments.

Advantages of Transitioning from Dentures to Implants 

Transitioning from dentures to implants comes with a range of advantages. First and foremost, implants provide a secure, natural feel. You can bid farewell to the discomfort and slipping associated with traditional dentures. Additionally, implants enhance your ability to enjoy a wide variety of foods without worry.

Another notable benefit is improved confidence. With implant-supported teeth, you can smile, laugh, and speak without concerns about dentures moving. This boost in self-assurance can have a positive impact on your social and professional life.

Can You Get Dental Implants Years After Dentures?

Getting dental implants years after having dentures is entirely possible. These small titanium screws can be inserted into your jawbone, even if you’ve been using dentures for a while. Once in place, they act as strong anchors for your new teeth, enhancing stability and comfort.

The process involves a consultation with your dentist to ensure your jawbone is suitable for implants. After that, they’ll place the implants, and you’ll be on your way to a more secure and hassle-free dental solution. 

Dental Implants Full Mouth Cost

Each component’s price is determined by the dental clinic. As an incentive, some dentist offices provide a complimentary computed tomography (CT) scan at the start of the procedure. The CT scan determines whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. However, if you are required to pay for that 3D imaging, the cost of the service may range from $350 to $515.

In general, implants are expensive because they constitute a lifetime investment. According to Levin, the average cost of a tooth, from start to finish, is between $3,000 and $4,500. A patient in need of several implants may have to pay between $60,000 and $90,000 in total.

Affordable Dental Implants

Affordable Dental Implants

Affordable dental implants are a viable option. These small titanium screws are cost-effective, offering a sturdy base for your teeth. They provide long-lasting benefits, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Enjoy a confident smile without breaking the bank.

Dental implants need not strain your finances. Affordable options are available, making it possible to regain your natural smile without excessive expense. These implants offer durability, giving you lasting value for your investment. Affordable dental implants put quality within your reach.

Frequently Asked Question

Are dental implants a good option if my dentures aren’t secure?

Absolutely! Dental implants can make your dentures much more secure and functional.

Is there an age limit for getting implants after dentures?

There’s no strict age limit. If you’re healthy enough for oral surgery, you can consider implants.

Will I be able to eat and smile confidently with dental implants after dentures?

Yes, dental implants can significantly improve your ability to eat and smile with confidence, similar to natural teeth.


The possibility of getting dental implants after using dentures is a game-changer. Implants provide a sturdy foundation, regardless of the years you’ve worn dentures. Their ability to enhance stability and comfort makes them a viable solution for those seeking an upgrade.

The duration of your denture use determines whether your dental implants offer freedom and security. Whether you’ve relied on dentures for a short time or many years, considering Get Implants After Having Dentures is a significant step towards enhancing your oral health and quality of life. The transformation they bring is worth considering.

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